Edgerton strobes shine for 60 years


 Aurora beacons at county courthouse were some of first in nation back in 1964

  • In the uppermost floor of the Hamilton County Courthouse tower custodian John Bish holds his hand over the photoelectric switch to light up the beacons mounted in each middle window.
    In the uppermost floor of the Hamilton County Courthouse tower custodian John Bish holds his hand over the photoelectric switch to light up the beacons mounted in each middle window.
For six decades now a set of four of Dr. Harold “Doc” Edgerton’s strobes have been flashing out from near the top of the Hamilton County Courthouse spire to warn aircraft of the tall obstacle and reminding local residents of one of the town’s favorite sons. Powered on by a photoelectric switch each evening at dusk (or even when dark clouds are overhead), the beacons flash out in four…

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