Let the fun begin


A’ROR’N Days embraces festive spirit of community 

  • ANR

As the warmth of summer envelops Aurora, the annual A’ROR’N Days summer celebration approaches — a time-honored tradition that brings together neighbors, friends, and families in a joyous tapestry of shared experiences. A’ROR’N Days is more than just an event on the calendar; it is a reflection of our collective spirit and a testament to the power of community.
The essence of our summer celebration lies in its ability to unite us. In a world that often feels increasingly fragmented, A’ROR’N Days serves as a reminder of the connections that bind us together. Whether it’s the laughter of children playing games, the friendly competition of a golf tournament and egg toss, or the simple pleasure of sharing a meal with friends old and new, each moment contributes to a sense of belonging that is invaluable.
And oh by the way, former Huskies, friends and family members returning to Aurora for the annual celebration may notice a lot of changes in the old hometown. To Husky graduates back for their reunion and other guests visiting Aurora this week, we invite you to take some time and look around. There is an awful lot of visible progress in Aurora and Hamilton County, particularly along Highway 14, where new businesses are being built in the new Mission Critical Subdivision.
Also worth noting is the massive construction zone on the west edge of town, where the new Streeter Subdivision is rapidly revamping the landscape. In case you haven’t heard, Aurora received not one but two $1 million Rural Workforce Housing grants, priming the pump for a 60-lot subdivision now coming into view just west of 1st Street. New houses have been added since last year’s celebration, as well as a much-needed apartment complex which is now under construction. With this new subdivision, as well as an expanding Northridge Subdivision on the north side of town, Aurora is primed for future growth.
This year’s celebration promises to be particularly special. With a variety of activities planned, there is something for everyone. Moreover, this summer celebration is a platform for recognizing and honoring the unsung heroes among us. Volunteers who have tirelessly worked to organize this event, local businesses that have generously sponsored activities, and community leaders who have championed causes that improve our town’s quality of life — these individuals and entities deserve our heartfelt thanks. Their contributions are a cornerstone of the event’s success and a reminder of what can be achieved when we work together.
Let’s celebrate with hearts full of gratitude, minds open to new experiences, and a shared commitment to making our community a better place for all. Here’s to a memorable A’ROR’N Days 2024!
-- Kurt Johnson