Letters to the Editor


Attention urged on issue coming to county planners

  • Commentary from our readers
    Commentary from our readers

Dear Editor:
As a follow-up to my letter of Jan. 17 regarding Synergen’s proposal to build a plant that would consume three million gallons of water per day, I urge all concerned citizens to attend the upcoming Planning and Zoning Committee meeting.  The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 19th, at 7 p.m. and will take place at the Ag Auditorium, located at the Hamilton County Fairgrounds.
This is a crucial opportunity to express your views on the significant water usage associated with this project and its potential impact on our ag community. Despite media reports suggesting that the necessary authorizations for the plant’s construction have already been granted, this is not the case. We must ensure that our voices are heard.
The Planning Committee has the authority to prevent this project from moving forward. It is essential to recognize that this issue extends beyond our generation — it affects future generations, including farmers and landowners.  We must consider what water resources will be available to them.  
We must also consider that we are still in a severe drought, which is going to impact the water demands for irrigation this year and the aquifer.
Is it equitable for Synergen, whose parent company (Skeiron Group) is based in India, purchase our land, and deplete our water supply?  Notably, Synergen’s current location in Texas coincides with a severe decline in the Texas Aquifer, rendering ground water increasingly scarce. Do we want to go down the same path?
Furthermore, if we allow this precedent, other companies may follow suit, exploiting our aquifer for their benefit. The question remains: When does water usage become excessive?
If you are unable to attend the meeting, I encourage you to reach out to your area representative and share your concerns.
Thank you for your attention to this critical matter.
Ruth Peters,